Canadian businesses recognize the need to change in order to remain competitive in an increasingly digital marketplace. Globally in the past decade, Kanban has been an effective way of addressing these challenges.

SquirrelNorth's overall mission is to raise awareness and bridge Kanban to the Canadian marketplace through our services and educational outreach. In doing so, we pragmatically help solve real business problems.
Martin brings years of experience working in the Fortune 500 as a senior leader, executive and change agent. A teacher and guide, he has a track record of developing new leaders and transforming companies.

Fernando blends management consulting expertise with a strong technical development background, bridging the gap between process practices and technical disciplines. He is an accredited Kanban Coaching Professional.

James provides pragmatic, actionable, evidence-based guidance. His focus is on helping people and organizations solve real problems by leveraging his 25+ years of experience, including 7 years as CTO of a Global E-Learning company.

Alexei’s mission is to bring modern management ideas and pragmatic actionable guidance to complex intellectual organizations that want such ideas and guidance to achieve their full potential. He delivers it worldwide and in small batches.